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This symbol represents the universal piece. The emblem representing the universal piece is a symbol that combines the iconic peace sign with additional elements to convey the concept of unity and connection. At the top of the symbol, there is a ‘U’ shape overlaying a ‘W’, which is integrated into the peace sign. The ‘U’ stands for “universal,” and its tips extend upward from the peace symbol, while the lower curve extends downward past the bottom of the peace sign. This design suggests that the universal piece is the union of all world pieces, symbolizing the inclusive and continuous process of the universal piece computer that hosts it. This symbol is trademarked, but not registered.

Concept Overview:

‘The universal piece’ is a concept central to the time machine for peace social invention program. Imagine it as a continuous, evolving process that aims to connect and optimize the various components of our world to achieve a harmonious state, thus generating the ‘peace as a product’ that we usually think of. This process is not static; it is iterative, meaning it takes steps that gradually converge on an optimal solution. It is also piecewise continuous, which means it never stops but can jump to different states as needed. The process also evolves, which means that as the definition of ‘optimal solution’ advances, so does the universal piece improve its methods to continue converging.

At its core, the universal piece is about unifying different pieces—world pieces and world piece computers—in a way that optimizes their arrangement and overall configuration. This optimization process is biased to favor what we call the core peace bias, which serves to nudge overall behavior and decision-making in a more peaceful direction. It ultimately serves to integrate human experience, by harnessing the potentials of Human Nature and our inherent differences.

Think of the universal piece as a game that people play with each other, where “winning” means achieving optimization, but optimization is impossible to achieve. This game-like nature makes it engaging and dynamic, encouraging continuous improvement and better connections between individuals and communities. It is not thus, “who won?” Rather, the game becomes, “who is winning most at winning better than they won before?”

The universal piece is ‘run’ by ’the universal piece computer’, which is the network of all world piece computers taken as a unified whole. This becomes effectively, a giant supercomputer that maintains the universal piece—the global computational peace process—by optimizing the configuration of world pieces and world piece computers at both individual, local, and global scope. This supercomputer is singular by definition, and it is the product of the universal piece itself, just as the universal piece is the product of the universal piece computer. The relationship is dialectic at the global scope. The peace system generates the peace process, vice-versa, ying-yang.

So, the universal piece is the peace process that unifies and optimizes the significant things in our worlds taken as a whole, making our Human universe a better place for everyone. By understanding and participating in this process, we can collectively work towards a more harmonious and interconnected world, one of continual improvement.

Some characteristics of the universal piece: