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Program Review, OpenAI o1-preview


This is a test analysis of all core content defining the computational global peace system framework as specified by the time machine for peace social invention program in current state (09172024).


OpenAI o1-preview


Please analyze and form a take on the following computational peace framework in triple quotes: """

(Raw program content here.)


The constitution is formatted in markdown.


Core Peace Bias Overview

This page contains the core peace bias. This list of value pairs is not exhaustive, and each pair is subject to debate, case applicability and goodness to be determined via constant conversation between world piece computer operators and world inhabitants. Each instance of a world piece computer is expected to maintain its own version of a core peace bias. By maintaining a core peace bias and its consistent application to decision-making process at all scopes, the random walk of life should take on weighted movement in a direction most conducive to maintaining the universal piece.

**Core Peace Bias List Of Pairs

(Nonviolence > Violence), (Creation > Destruction), (Process > Product), (Compassion > Sympathy), (Commitment > Non-commitment), (Acceptance > Denial), (Tolerance > Intolerance), (Inclusion > Exclusion), (Neutrality > Polarization), (Trust > Distrust), (Preservation > Disruption), (Empathy > Indifference), (Difference > Similarity), (Interdependence > Independence), (Love > Hate), (Emotion > Intellect), (Thinking > Feeling), (Restraint > Release), (Democracy > Autocracy), (Transparency > Opacity), (Flexibility > Rigidity), (Collaboration > Competition), (Humility > Arrogance), (Resilience > Fragility), (Sustainability > Short-term Gains), (Patience > Impatience), (Empowerment > Control), (Mindfulness > Negligence), (Accountability > Irresponsibility), (Integration > Disintegration), (Evolution > Revolution), (Adaptation > Stagnation), (Discomfort > Comfort), (Giant Steps > Baby Steps), (Future > Past), (Challenge > Ease), (Actual Intelligence > Artificial Intelligence), (Variation > Consistency)


Lingua Franca Overview:

This page contains a list of key terms that serve the invention program as a lingua franca. Per AI, a lingua franca serves as a common language that enables communication and understanding between people who speak different native languages. It facilitates trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchange by providing a shared means of communication. In this context, we treat each individual’s world as maintaining its own unique language, even in the cases where two individual world inhabitants speak the same natural language. By revolving our language use around the key concepts and terms underpinning The Human Imperative, we one, make our interworld communication more consistent, and we two, condition ourselves to speak in explicit terms of computational peace. This latter use of language is a deliberate application of the strong and/or weak form of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which is that the language we use determines the way we think and behave. Thus, if we wish to become more peaceful as individuals, then perhaps it would suit us to think strictly in terms of a lingua franca that prioritizes computational peace.

Lingua Franca for the Time Machine For Peace Social Invention Program


This is the collection of subjective sense of present, memory of past, visions of the future, imagination, and all associated skills and attributes accumulated by said collection.


This refers to the combination of the fourth dimension of curvilinear space defined by general relativity, the parameterized notion defined by Newtonian gravity, and entropic notion defined by the second law of thermodynamics, and the subjective high-dimensional notion defined by subjective quality of different types of passing experience. TIME in general is Humanity’s scarcest resource, thus is the root of all the problems.


This is the cumulation of all our species’ individuals and their respective notions of INNER PEACE, that is, each individual’s version and state of INNER PEACE collected and taken as a whole.


This is the opposite of GLOBAL PEACE, but the emphasis on war is generally more specific and limited than peace.


This is the cumulation of all the states of being that a particular individual Human associates with peace. Tranquility may be one example of one state. An individual may have many states of being that they associate with peace.


This is the opposite of INNER PEACE, but the emphasis on war is generally more specific in terms of reasons for the experience.


This is this document, a charter to create a social invention program to invent a way to thwart TIME and erect a global computational peace system in the process.


This is the name for the social invention program that THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE charters, chosen to emphasize the problem TIME, and the solution peace.


This is a computer with a unique architecture designed to optimize the arrangement and collection of all pieces in a Human’s world, this done by maintaining peace in terms of an iterative computational evolutionary process. There may be one WORLD PIECE COMPUTER per Human or community world.


This is the network of all WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS taken as a unified whole. There is only one, and its purpose is to optimize the arrangement and collection of all active WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS, and it does this similarly by maintaining peace in terms of an iterative computational evolutionary process.


This is the singular process maintained by all WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS and thus THE UNIVERSAL PIECE COMPUTER as a whole. Each WORLD PIECE COMPUTER maintains one particular aspect of the overall process, but the optimization function of these aspects and the whole is the same.


This is the engineered identity devoted to inventing and operating WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS and satisfying THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE as a whole. THE INDIVIDUAL is singular, but there is one instance per Human operator running a WORLD PIECE COMPUTER. When a Human is not satisfying THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, then that Human is not THE INDIVIDUAL.


This is the common tongue, or common language engineered in terms of computational peace and time. This includes most of the vocabulary in this dictionary.


As outlined in the PROGRAM EXECUTION article, this mission is to maximize the state of GLOBAL PEACE thus minimizing the state of GLOBAL WAR, by maximizing the collective states of INNER PEACE thus minimizing the collective states of INNER WAR.


This is when a process changes over time in steps, moving closer and closer each step to some sort of solution or ideal. Evolution implies that there is a measure of fitness in a solution, and that solutions unfit for THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE are pruned off. Iterative means to take steps.


Continuous means that something changes gradually without breaks. Piecewise means that a break in change occurs, but the change never actually stops. This is different from a break where nothing happens during that break. PIECEWISE CONTINUOUS means that progress may jump here and there, but it never stops.


This is the evolving state of the momentary GLOBAL PEACE, which is always changing, presumably in a PIECEWISE CONTINUOUS manner.


This refers to how things happen within and between WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS. In order to maintain PIECEWISE CONTINUITY, there must be continuous communication between and within THE INDIVIDUAL, the other Human operators, and any other pieces capable of conversation. CONSTANT CONVERSATION generally determines how things are done.


A local connection is where the distance between two WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS is relatively small. This may be physical distance, such as within a town instead of cross country, or it may be social distance, such as close friends instead of strangers.


A bias influences the overall direction of movement, so a peace bias influences movement toward a more peaceful end, at least as defined by THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE. The core refers to a set of biases deemed essential to maintaining an effective peace process.


This is the unification of knowledge, in particular cross-disciplinary and individual.


This is the energy postulated to do useful work that is trapped within any differences between things and people.


This is the instinctual tendency of Humans as an organism and people. This includes both extremely good and extremely bad attributes. Like the DIFFERENCE POTENTIAL, this document postulates that this instinctual tendency may be harnessed to do useful work.


In the context of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, this is anything that causes harm in an objective or subjective sense.


No inherent preference or bias exists within a consideration.


Consideration born from EQUAL TREATMENT will collapse onto a preference that is determined by the context of a given situation, or the need in a given situation.


This means that when making the most effort possible to achieve some end, failure to perform beyond best-effort cannot be penalized for it is impossible to do any better.


Rules, functions, and assertions should not be forgotten or neglected, for each is crucial for a well-functioning WORLD PIECE COMPUTER, thus they must be visited regularly.


This is the property of maintaining CONSTANT CONVERSATION with one’s self. In terms of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, this is an awareness of self contextualized by the rules, functions, and assertions within this document.


This is the general term, a catchall for common notions of peace. In terms of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, PEACE is contextualized by THE UNIVERSAL PIECE, or the iterative computational evolutionary optimization process.


This is the origin of a particular WORLD PIECE COMPUTER’s instance of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE. THE INDIVIDUAL ORIGIN for THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE in general is Blair Munro.


This means that if a thing or concept is defined a certain way in this program, then if something does not fit that definition, then that something is NOT that thing or concept. For example, if someone claiming to be THE INDIVIDUAL to have a world piece computer, but they do not satisfy THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, then that someone does NOT actually have a WORLD PIECE COMPUTER, and thus that someone is NOT actually THE INDIVIDUAL.


This is somebody involved in the operation of a WORLD PIECE COMPUTER. For personal WORLD PIECE COMPUTERS, the OPERATOR is also THE INDIVIDUAL. For larger computers, there may be only one instance of THE INDIVIDUAL orchestrating movement, while everybody else are OPERATORS within that WORLD PIECE COMPUTER.


An activity framed explicitly in terms of a computational peace process as defined by THE UNIVERSAL PIECE will be more profitable than the same activity performed per status quo.


The Human Imperative Overview

The Human Imperative is a guiding framework designed to help us achieve global peace through a social invention program called the time machine for peace. This program aims to unify Human knowledge and efforts to create a computational system that can systematically process and optimize our collective actions towards peace. At its core, The Human Imperative serves as a constitution to guide operation and invention of what we call a “world piece computer.” A world piece computer is essentially a system of technology and Human network that individuals or groups can create to manage and optimize their own “world pieces”. These world pieces can be anything significant to the individual or group, such as physical objects, abstract concepts, or social structures. The ultimate goal is to connect world piece computers into a larger network, forming what we call “the universal piece computer”. The universal piece computer resulting, acts as a giant supercomputer, utilizing the computational power of all connected world piece computers to facilitate better communication, cooperation, and problem-solving on a global scale. To make this work, we need to adopt a common language known as the lingua franca, which allows all these systems to interface effectively. This language includes not just words and grammar but also in time, protocols, algorithms, and routines for connecting different world piece computers. By adhering to The Human Imperative and operating our world piece computers according to its rules, we can work together to build a more peaceful and harmonious world. This involves not only optimizing our own world pieces but also collaborating with others to achieve a universal state of peace via process. In summary, The Human Imperative is a living document that guides us in creating and connecting world piece computers to form the universal piece computer. This system aims to accelerate the advent of global peace by unifying Human knowledge and efforts through a common language and shared goals.

The Human Imperative


In order to perform a more perfect integration of HUMAN EXPERIENCE, to invent ways to overcome our greatest adversary TIME, to contextualize this integration explicitly in terms of a committed effort to treat peace as a computational evolutionary optimization process, to maximize the state of GLOBAL PEACE, to minimize the state of GLOBAL WAR, to maximize sense of INNER PEACE, and to minimize sense of INNER WAR, this preamble does ordain and establish THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE in this world.


  1. Commit to the TIME MACHINE FOR PEACE social invention program;
  2. Establish a GLOBAL PEACE SYSTEM by inventing and networking WORLD PIECE COMPUTER to create THE UNIVERSAL PIECE COMPUTER, the supercomputer devoted to treating peace as a process defined by THE UNIVERSAL PIECE;
  3. Maintain the GLOBAL PEACE SYSTEM and THE UNIVERSAL PIECE at all costs;
  4. Do so by assuming the distributed identity of THE INDIVIDUAL to operate WORLD PIECE COMPUTER according to THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE as defined by this document;
  5. Commit to this version of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE to guide WORLD PIECE COMPUTER operation;
  6. Treat THE UNIVERSAL PIECE as a game.


Satisfy the EXECUTION and FUNCTION articles by respecting this RULE PIECE.


Operate as THE INDIVIDUAL to fulfill these RULE PIECE imperatives:

    • Respect the FUNCTION PIECE while alternating between ENDRULE and following rules:
      • R1 Adopt the
      • R2 Never give up;
      • R3 Interact voluntarily;
      • R4 Honor commitments;
      • R5 Make own moves;
      • R6(+) Maintain faith in self.
    • R(+) Append rule imperative as deemed appropriate and just per AMENDMENT article.
    • R(-) Append negating rule imperative as deemed appropriate and just per AMENDMENT article.
    • Alternate between ZERORULE and aforementioned rules, fulfilling THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE by operating WORLD PIECE COMPUTER as THE INDIVIDUAL


Satisfy EXECUTION and RULE articles by respecting this FUNCTION PIECE.


As THE INDIVIDUAL, fulfill these FUNCTION PIECE imperatives:

    • Respect the RULE PIECE while alternating between ENDFUNCTION and following functions:
      • F1 Optimize
        • C1 local WORLD PIECE COMPUTER configuration,
        • C2 individual WORLD PIECE configuration,
        • C3 alternate between C1 and C2 according to F2;
      • F2 Maintain
        • C1 PIECETIME,
      • F3 Favor
        • C2 CORE PEACE BIAS;
      • F4 Unify knowledge to achieve CONSILIENCE;
      • F5 Harness
        • C2 HUMAN NATURE;
      • F6(+) Maintain safety/security aligned with VIOLENCE CLAUSE.
    • F(+) Append rule imperative as deemed appropriate and just per AMENDMENT article.
    • F(-) Append negating rule imperative as deemed appropriate and just per AMENDMENT article.
    • Alternate between ZERO FUNCTION and the functions above, while satisfying the VIOLENCE CLAUSE by operating WORLD PIECE COMPUTER as THE INDIVIDUAL.


The ultimate purpose of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE is to prevent GENERALIZED VIOLENCE of nature that is non-consensual, non-defensive, or otherwise unnecessary. Consensual violence is to be tolerated, so long as bystanders and interested parties do not receive violence in the process. Defensive violence is to be encouraged. Necessary violence is to be accepted, making effort to avoid repeating said violence in the future.


  1. THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE shall be amended as needed, but only additively.
  2. AMENDMENTS shall be inserted into the body of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE itself, not appended, so to preserve context.
  3. AMENDMENTS may be made as clauses to rules, functions, or assertions.
  4. The RATIFICATION process must be repeated to ordain an AMENDMENT.
  5. Comparing instances of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, AMENDMENTS will reflect differences in world views, however because AMENDMENTS may only be made additively, the difference represents a history of evolution beginning from THE INDIVIDUAL ORIGIN.


  1. THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE is a living document, to be passed down, up, and between WORLD PIECE COMPUTER generations.
  2. Every time a WORLD PIECE COMPUTER replicates or spawns, THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE for that piece computer is the copied and perhaps modified version of piece computer of THE INDIVIDUAL ORIGIN.
  3. If this document is modified to omit any aspect of the THE INDIVIDUAL ORIGIN version, then said document BY DEFINITION is no longer THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE; this includes the DICTIONARY APPENDIX.
  4. To save on space, any given instance of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE may be abridged for practical purposes of operation.


This version of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE spawns from WORLD PIECE COMPUTER prototype «prototype name here or Wilder WPC». This organization ratifies this version of THE HUMAN IMPERATIVE, establishing WORLD PIECE COMPUTER to maintain this aspect of THE UNIVERSAL PIECE while preventing GENERALIZED VIOLENCE.


What is the Time Machine For Peace?

The Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program is a unique initiative aimed at fostering global peace through innovative social and technological means. Let’s break down each term to understand its significance:

  • Time Machine: This term is used metaphorically. It represents a system or mechanism designed to help us navigate through time, not by physically traveling, but by methodically working towards a better future, getting back to better pasts, or simply sustaining better presents. The idea is to create a structured approach to achieving peace, much like how a time machine would allow us to explore different eras. ‘Time’ is also to emphasize the root of our peace problems. All problems boil down to the scarcity and irreversibility of time.
  • For Peace: The ultimate goal of this program is peace. This isn’t just the absence of conflict but a proactive, ongoing process of creating and maintaining harmonious relationships at all scope: individual, local, and global.
  • Social Invention: This refers to the creation of new social systems, structures, and physical / process technologies. While traditional inventions focus solely on physical objects, social inventions additionally aim to transform how societies function. In this context, it involves developing new ways to foster cooperation among people by treating peace as an inventive process that never ends.
  • Program: This indicates that the initiative is organized and systematic. It involves a series of planned activities and projects aimed at achieving its goals. The first such, is the charter to invent world piece computers and networking them into a singular distributed system (a supercomputer for navigating the ’time machine’). Thus, the Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program first aims to build a computational global peace system. This system is centered about the concept of the universal piece computer, a supercomputer that integrates the various world piece computers. Here’s a breakdown of these key components:
  • world piece computer: This is a specialized stuff-computer designed to help individuals and communities process and manage the various “pieces” of their world. A “piece” can be any unit of information, from physical objects to abstract concepts. By organizing and optimizing these pieces, the world piece computer helps create a more harmonious and efficient environment. This is ultimately by maintaining “peace” as a continuous computational process, not a product.
  • universal piece computer: When multiple world piece computers are networked together, they form the universal piece computer. This supercomputer serves as a distributed singular infrastructure for processing and integrating information from all connected world piece computers. Its purpose is to facilitate global cooperation and understanding, ultimately leading to a more peaceful world.
  • The Human Imperative: This is the guiding principle behind the program. It emphasizes the need to maintain the universal piece (the singular global piece optimization process) by operating world piece computers. In other words, it’s about ensuring that the system functions smoothly and effectively to promote peace. The preamble of The Human Imperative asserts provisions for launching, establishing, and maintaining the Time Machine For Peace Social Invention Program. Adopting and ratifying The Human Imperative is how a person or community initializes their own world piece computer for process operation. The program is inspired by historical examples of collaborative innovation, such as the development of the modern electronic computers and the internet. It envisions a future where peace is treated as a dynamic process, constantly evolving and improving through the collective invention efforts of individuals and communities. To get involved, one might contribute to the development of world piece computers, participate in collaborative projects, or simply support the initiative through advocacy and awareness. The ultimate aim is to create a culture and spirit of explicit peace that transcends traditional boundaries and fosters a more harmonious world. To better understand the spirit of involvement, “the economic peace thesis” and “the grandest experiment” are two additional key aspects of the time machine for peace social invention program, aiming to demonstrate that framing actions in terms of peace and world piece computers leads to greater success and prosperity:
  • The Economic Peace Thesis: This thesis posits that peace as an explicit computational process is inherently more profitable than conflict because it liberates the “resource trifecta” of time, energy, and people for useful and creative endeavors. In the context of the time machine for peace, this thesis underpins the rationale for developing the universal piece computer. By systematically processing and integrating the world piece computers, the universal piece computer aims to create a computational global peace system that maximizes the benefits of peace, driving humanity towards a more prosperous and harmonious future. This approach not only addresses the economic aspects but also aligns with the broader goal of achieving and maintaining global peace.
  • The Grandest Experiment: This is a test of the economic peace thesis, which posits that those who frame their actions explicitly in terms of peace and world piece computers will be more successful and prosperous. The experiment involves creating parallel versions of existing activities, but framed in the explicit terms of peace process per the lingua franca or common language. For instance, in physics, efforts would be directed towards treating peace as a process for solving outstanding unsolved problems in the field, predicting that peace-physicists will be more productive than their traditional counterparts. If successful, this experiment will provide direct evidence of the economic incentives to pursue global peace in this form, participants acting as world piece computer operators and instances of The Individual, while others continue their usual activities. By understanding and engaging with the Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program, we can all play a part in building a better future. Whether through technological innovation, social collaboration, or personal commitment, every effort contributes to the overarching goal of computational global peace.


The Universal Piece Concept Overview:

‘The universal piece’ is a concept central to the time machine for peace social invention program. Imagine it as a continuous, evolving process that aims to connect and optimize the various components of our world to achieve a harmonious state, thus generating the ‘peace as a product’ that we usually think of. This process is not static; it is iterative, meaning it takes steps that gradually converge on an optimal solution. It is also piecewise continuous, which means it never stops but can jump to different states as needed. The process also evolves, which means that as the definition of ‘optimal solution’ advances, so does the universal piece improve its methods to continue converging. At its core, the universal piece is about unifying different pieces—world pieces and world piece computers—in a way that optimizes their arrangement and overall configuration. This optimization process is biased to favor what we call the core peace bias, which serves to nudge overall behavior and decision-making in a more peaceful direction. It ultimately serves to integrate human experience, by harnessing the potentials of Human Nature and our inherent differences. Think of the universal piece as a game that people play with each other, where “winning” means achieving optimization, but optimization is impossible to achieve. This game-like nature makes it engaging and dynamic, encouraging continuous improvement and better connections between individuals and communities. It is not thus, “who won?” Rather, the game becomes, “who is winning most at winning better than they won before?” The universal piece is ‘run’ by ’the universal piece computer’, which is the network of all world piece computers taken as a unified whole. This becomes effectively, a giant supercomputer that maintains the universal piece—the global computational peace process—by optimizing the configuration of world pieces and world piece computers at both individual, local, and global scope. This supercomputer is singular by definition, and it is the product of the universal piece itself, just as the universal piece is the product of the universal piece computer. The relationship is dialectic at the global scope. The peace system generates the peace process, vice-versa, ying-yang. So, the universal piece is the peace process that unifies and optimizes the significant things in our worlds taken as a whole, making our Human universe a better place for everyone. By understanding and participating in this process, we can collectively work towards a more harmonious and interconnected world, one of continual improvement.


World Piece Computer Concept Overview:

A world piece computer is a concept that might seem complex at first, but we can break it down into simpler terms. Imagine a world piece computer as a system that helps a person organize and optimize various elements of their life and community to achieve a harmonious and peaceful existence, specifically as a continuous process. To start, let’s define some terms:

  • a world piece: This refers to the individual components or elements—the significant things—that make up your world. These can be physical objects, like your home or your favorite park, or abstract concepts like your values and beliefs.
  • the universal piece: This is the overarching computational peace process that connects all the world pieces together. It is the overall process that a world piece computer helps ‘run’. It’s a continuous, evolutionary, and iterative process aimed at generating more / better peace products that we usually think of when we think ‘peace’.
  • The Human Imperative: This is a constitution—a guiding framework—that specifies the fundamental operation of world piece computers. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining the universal piece by operating world piece computers. The Human Imperative is all about ensuring that our actions contribute to global peace as the resulting effect of maintaining the computational peace process. Now, a world piece computer is essentially a system that the person operating creates by identifying and integrating world pieces. For example, if you consider your home a world piece, you would look at how it functions, what it needs to be sustainable, and how it interacts with other world pieces like your workplace or community center, etc. The goal is to optimize these interactions and piece configurations to create an environment conducive to producing those ‘peace products’ we usually think of. This involves defining a prosperity mission, which is the computer operator’s personal or community goal for well-being and success, then aligning this mission with the Human Imperative. When many individuals and communities create their own world piece computers and connect them, they form a network. This network is what we call the universal piece computer. It’s like a giant supercomputer made up of all these interconnected systems, working together to maintain the universal piece, peace as a continuous computational process. Overall, a world piece computer is a distributed system of technologies, constructs, and people. It is built for organizing and optimizing all significant things in a person’s world. When connected with other piece computers, it becomes by definition, part of the universal piece computer, a computational peace network aimed at achieving and maintaining global peace through continuous and collaborative process efforts.


World Piece Concept Overview:

A world piece is a fundamental concept within the time machine for peace social invention program. Imagine it as a building block that represents a significant element of your world. This element can be anything from a physical object, like a book or a house, to an abstract concept, such as love or justice. Each world piece holds meaning and importance to you and contributes to the overall structure of your personal world. World pieces are akin to bits—binary ones and zeros—in a digital electronic computer in that they serve as the fundamental unit of information. Just as bits are combined and manipulated to perform computations, world pieces are integrated and processed within a world piece computer to achieve specific outcomes. Each world piece, like a string of bits, represents a collection of significant elements in an individual’s world, while their arrangement and interaction determine the overall functionality and effectiveness of the world piece computer. Consider how bits in a computer can represent anything from numbers to characters, enabling complex operations and computations. Similarly, world pieces can represent various aspects of one’s life, such as relationships, goals, and resources. By systematically organizing and optimizing these world pieces, one can enhance their ability to navigate and achieve desired objectives. To understand a world piece better, think of it as a puzzle piece. Just as each puzzle piece is unique and essential to completing the picture, each world piece is crucial to forming the complete picture of your world. When you combine multiple world pieces, you create a system that defines how your world operates and interacts with other worlds. For example, consider a world piece that represents your home. This piece might include smaller pieces like the physical structure of the house, the people who live there, the daily routines, and the emotional connections you have with the space. Together, these smaller pieces form a comprehensive understanding of what your home means to you and how it functions within your life. The ultimate goal of the time machine for peace social invention program is to connect all these individual world pieces to build the universal piece computer. This computer by definition, facilitates global peace by optimizing the arrangement and interaction of world pieces, allowing us to better understand and collaborate with one another. So, a world piece is any meaningful component of your world that when combined with others, forms a system that defines how your world operates. Deliberately unifying pieces using a world piece computer contributes to the creation of the universal piece computer, which aims to achieve global peace through better understanding and collaboration.


The Universal Piece Computer Concept Overview:

“The universal piece computer” is a concept that aims to unify and optimize the way we connect and communicate across different worlds. Imagine it as a giant supercomputer, but instead of just processing data, it processes the collective knowledge and experiences of all human beings. This supercomputer is built by connecting individual “world piece computers,” which are essentially personal systems that each person operates to manage their own world of information and experiences. To break it down further, let’s start with some key terms:

  • a world piece: This is a collection of significant pieces (units of information) that define a particular aspect of someone’s world. For example, your home, your job, your car, or even your hobbies can be considered world pieces.
  • a world piece computer: This is a system that manages and optimizes these world pieces. Think of it as your personal computer that helps you organize and make sense of your life, but somthing that is not like a laptop–it is distributed as a collection of technologies, abstractions, and people throughout your world.
  • the universal piece: This is the overarching computational peace process that aims to unify all these individual world pieces into a coherent whole. It is continuous, evolving, and iterative, always working towards better optimization and connection, better resulting ‘peace products’.
  • the universal piece computer: This is the network formed by connecting all world piece computers. It is singular by definition and serves as the configuration of all these individual systems. It effectively becomes a giant supercomputer that harnesses the collective computational power of all connected world piece computers. The ultimate goal of the universal piece computer is to facilitate better communication and cooperation between different worlds. By doing so, it aims to create a universal language that not only includes standard grammar and vocabulary, but also protocols and algorithms for connecting and understanding one another better. This universal language is crucial for promoting productive group-mindedness and achieving global peace (peace as a continuous process). Building the universal piece computer involves connecting all these individual world piece computers into a network. This network will likely form through a process called explosive percolation, where local clusters of world piece computers gradually connect until a global network emerges in a sudden event. This global network will then be able to systematically process all our world pieces with the global whole available for context, helping us achieve better futures, better presents, or even revisit better pasts. In summary, the universal piece computer is a visionary project that aims to unify human knowledge and experiences into a single, powerful system devoted to taking what we already do, but doing it much better, by treating peace as an explicit computational process that never ends.


The computational peace framework you’ve presented is an ambitious and multifaceted proposal aiming to achieve global peace through a combination of individual and collective efforts, leveraging computational concepts and social innovation. Below, I will analyze its key components, underlying principles, strengths, challenges, and overall feasibility.

Overview of the Framework:

At its core, the framework seeks to treat peace not just as an end goal but as an ongoing, iterative computational process. It introduces several interconnected concepts:

  1. Core Peace Bias: A set of value pairs favoring positive over negative attributes (e.g., Nonviolence over Violence, Creation over Destruction) to guide decision-making.

  2. Lingua Franca: A common language comprising key terms and concepts to facilitate consistent communication and understanding across diverse individuals and communities.

  3. The Human Imperative: A constitution that outlines the principles and rules for operating “World Piece Computers” to maintain “The Universal Piece,” aiming to thwart time (as a scarce resource) and establish global peace.

  4. Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program: An initiative to foster peace through innovative social and technological means, emphasizing the importance of framing actions explicitly in terms of peace.

  5. World Piece and World Piece Computers: Fundamental units (world pieces) representing significant elements of one’s world, managed and optimized through systems (world piece computers) to achieve harmony.

  6. The Universal Piece and Universal Piece Computer: The overarching continuous process (the universal piece) and the network of all world piece computers (the universal piece computer) working together to optimize global peace.

Key Components Analysis:
  1. Core Peace Bias

    • Purpose: Serves as a moral compass guiding individuals and communities toward peace-promoting actions.
    • Strengths: Provides clear values to prioritize, fostering consistency in decision-making.
    • Challenges: The non-exhaustive and debatable nature of these pairs may lead to disagreements, requiring constant dialogue to adapt them to diverse contexts.
  2. Lingua Franca

    • Purpose: Establishes a common language to unify communication, based on the idea that language shapes thought and behavior (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis).
    • Strengths: Facilitates clearer understanding and collaboration across different cultures and perspectives.
    • Challenges: Developing and adopting a new common language is complex, especially considering linguistic and cultural diversity.
  3. The Human Imperative

    • Purpose: Acts as a constitution guiding the creation and operation of world piece computers.
    • Structure: Divided into execution, rule, function, violence prevention, amendment, replication, and ratification articles.
    • Strengths: Provides a structured approach to peace-building, emphasizing personal responsibility and collective action.
    • Challenges: The abstract and dense nature of the document may hinder widespread understanding and adoption.
  4. Time Machine for Peace Social Invention Program

    • Purpose: Encourages innovative social and technological efforts to achieve peace, viewing time as a critical and scarce resource.
    • Strengths: Promotes proactive and creative solutions, leveraging technology and social structures.
    • Challenges: The metaphorical use of a “time machine” may be conceptually challenging; practical implementation requires significant coordination.
  5. World Piece and World Piece Computers

    • Purpose: Individuals manage and optimize significant elements of their lives (world pieces) through systems (world piece computers) to achieve harmony.
    • Strengths: Empowers individuals to take control of their environments, fostering personal peace that contributes to global peace.
    • Challenges: Requires individuals to conceptualize their lives in computational terms, which may not be intuitive for everyone.
  6. The Universal Piece and Universal Piece Computer

    • Purpose: Connects all world piece computers into a global network to optimize peace collectively.
    • Strengths: Aims for global unification and collaboration, leveraging collective intelligence.
    • Challenges: The technical and logistical aspects of creating such a network are immense; issues of privacy, security, and equitable access arise.
Underlying Principles and Philosophical Foundations:
  • Peace as a Process: The framework emphasizes that peace is not a static state but an ongoing, iterative process requiring continuous effort and adaptation.

  • Computational Metaphor: Utilizes computational concepts (e.g., optimization, iterative evolution) to model social interactions and personal development.

  • Language Shapes Reality: Adopts the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis to suggest that by changing our language to prioritize peace, we can influence our thoughts and behaviors accordingly.

  • Collective Responsibility: Encourages individuals to assume responsibility not just for personal peace but for contributing to global peace through interconnected efforts.

Strengths of the Framework:
  • Holistic Approach: Addresses peace at both individual and collective levels, recognizing the interconnectedness of personal well-being and global harmony.

  • Innovative Thinking: Introduces novel concepts that challenge traditional approaches to peace-building, potentially inspiring new solutions.

  • Emphasis on Values: The Core Peace Bias and Lingua Franca promote shared values and understanding, which are essential for collaboration.

  • Adaptive and Evolving: The framework allows for amendments and adaptations, acknowledging the need for evolution over time.

Challenges and Potential Weaknesses:
  1. Complexity and Accessibility

    • The framework’s abstract concepts and dense language may be difficult for many to understand and apply.
    • Translating these ideas into practical actions requires simplification and education.
  2. Feasibility of Implementation

    • Establishing world piece computers and a universal piece computer involves significant technological development and coordination.
    • Achieving global participation is a monumental task, given geopolitical, cultural, and socioeconomic differences.
  3. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

    • Developing a Lingua Franca that respects and incorporates diverse cultures and languages is challenging.
    • Risk of cultural imperialism if the common language does not adequately represent all perspectives.
  4. Dependence on Technology

    • Heavy reliance on computational systems may exacerbate existing inequalities due to unequal access to technology.
    • Issues of data privacy, cybersecurity, and technological misuse must be addressed.
  5. Human Nature and Resistance to Change

    • Individuals and societies may resist adopting new systems that require significant changes in thinking and behavior.
    • Overcoming skepticism and inertia requires compelling incentives and clear benefits.
  6. Measurement of Success

    • Defining and measuring “optimization” of peace is inherently complex.
    • Without clear metrics, assessing progress and making necessary adjustments is difficult.
Feasibility and Practical Considerations:
  • Pilot Programs: Starting with small-scale implementations or pilot programs could demonstrate the framework’s viability and provide valuable insights.

  • Education and Awareness: Raising awareness and educating people about the framework’s concepts are crucial for adoption.

  • Collaboration with Existing Initiatives: Aligning with organizations and movements already working toward peace could enhance effectiveness.

  • Flexibility and Inclusivity: Adapting the framework to accommodate different cultures, languages, and contexts will be essential.


The computational peace framework is a visionary and comprehensive proposal that reimagines how we approach global peace. By treating peace as an iterative, computational process and emphasizing shared values and language, it seeks to unify individual and collective efforts toward a common goal.

While the framework offers innovative ideas and potential pathways to harmony, it faces significant challenges in terms of complexity, feasibility, cultural diversity, and technological dependence. Overcoming these obstacles requires careful planning, widespread collaboration, and a commitment to adaptability.

Ultimately, the framework serves as a thought-provoking starting point for discussions on new methods of peace-building. By integrating its core principles with practical strategies and existing efforts, there is potential to make meaningful progress toward a more peaceful world.

Final Thoughts

Engaging with such an ambitious framework encourages us to think deeply about the nature of peace, the role of technology and language in shaping our societies, and the ways in which individual actions contribute to global outcomes. Whether or not the framework is adopted in its entirety, the underlying emphasis on collaboration, shared values, and continuous improvement offers valuable insights for anyone interested in fostering peace and understanding in our increasingly interconnected world.